A number of additional components may be used with Apache Tomcat. These
components may be built by users should they need them or they can be
downloaded from one of the mirrors.
To download the extras components open the Tomcat download page and
select "browse" from the Quick Navigation Links. The extras components can be
found in bin/extras.
The additional components are built using the extras target
of the standard Tomcat Ant script which is present in the source bundle of
The build process is the following:
Follow the build instructions to build a
Tomcat binary from the source bundle (note: it will be used by the build
process of the additional components, but does not need to be actually
used later on)
Execute the command ant extras to run the build
The additional components JARs will be placed in the
output/extras folder
Refer to the documentation below about the usage of these JARs
Tomcat uses a package renamed commons-logging API implementation which is
hardcoded to use the java.util.logging API. The commons-logging additional
component builds a full fledged package renamed commons-logging
implementation which can be used to replace the implementation provided with
Tomcat. See the logging page for usage
Tomcat provides factories for JSR 109 which may be used to resolve web
services references. Place the generated catalina-ws.jar as well as
jaxrpc.jar and wsdl4j.jar (or another implementation of JSR 109) in the
Tomcat lib folder.
Users should be aware that wsdl4j.jar is licensed under CPL 1.0 and not the
Apache License version 2.0.
The JMX protocol requires the JMX server (Tomcat in this instance) to listen
on two network ports. One of these ports can be fixed via configuration but
the second is selected randomly. This makes it difficult to use JMX through
a firewall. The JMX Remote Lifecycle Listener allows both ports to be fixed,
simplifying the process of connecting to JMX through a firewall. See the listeners page for usage instructions.
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